Donnalyn Bartolome makes Rastaman’s dream of campaigning for elections come true

Vlogger Donnalyn Bartolome with Rastaman. (Donnalyn/Facebook)

Singer-vlogger Donnalyn Bartolome recently played fairy godmother to presidential aspirant Rolanda Plaza, popularly known as “Rastaman.”

In her latest vlog titled “RASTAMAN’S DREAM COME TRUE (Tatakbo kami),” Donnalyn said that she wants Rastaman to experience what it is like to become a candidate.

Rastaman made waves on social media in October 2018 when he filed a certificate of candidacy for senator for the 2019 midterm elections.

During which, Rastaman stood out for his tattooed face.

Asked for its meaning, he responded that his face is tattooed with “Rastaman” markings.

He was also asked for the meaning of “Rastaman” to which he responded “Awasminaenae,” referring to “Watch Me,” also known as “Watch Me (Whip/Nae Nae).” This song is also associated with viral dance steps.

“Rock of ages ‘yan,” Rastaman added.

Rastaman was declared a nuisance candidate by the Commission on Elections.

Under the Omnibus Election Code, nuisance candidates are those who file certificates of candidacy “to put the election process in mockery or disrepute or to cause confusion among the voters… or by other circumstances or acts which clearly demonstrate that the candidate has no bona fide intention to run for the office for which the certificate of candidacy has been filed.”


This year, Rastaman’s name made online buzz anew as the Comelec once again accepted COC for the 2022 national elections.

Some made #LetRastaman lead online.

Rastaman said that he wants to rule the nation.

“I was rejected in the Comelec. I want to rule this nation but the Comelec rejected me but the heavens want me to rule this nation,” he said on the vlog.

He said he wants to run to get rid of hunger and give justice to the public.

“Now justice is just tiis,” Rastaman said.

Early this month, Donnalyn also released a vlog called “Filipino Squid Game” where he featured Rastaman as among the players. The vlog was inspired by the hit Netflix Korean survival drama “Squid Game.”

Donnalyn’s surprise

Meanwhile, with his return online, vlogger Donnalyn also encouraged the presidential aspirant to create his own vlog.

To further promote his YouTube channel called Rastaman Official, Donnalyn created this vlog which also intends to fulfill Rastaman’s dream of campaigning for elections.

Rastaman’s vlog now has 107,000 followers as of writing.

Donnalyn then produced Rastaman merch such as face masks and play money bearing the presidential aspirant’s photo to give away to the public.

It also has a text “half-human, half-zombie.”

She later surprised Rastaman and invited him to run and then join her in a motorcade where she served as an endorser to promote the pseudo-politician.

She rented a pick-up truck donned by black and yellow balloons and a tarpaulin featuring Rastaman, gave away sweets and joined the presidential aspirant to a mini-motorcade and interacted with some fans.

The video had a disclaimer that Rastaman is “not an official candidate this election.”

“This is only for Rastaman to experience what it’s like to fulfill his dreams even just for a day,” the disclaimer read.

Rastaman was delighted upon learning of Donnalyn’s surprise.

“It’s a dream come true y’all,” the presidential aspirant turned vlogger said.

“I’ve never thought it would be like this,” he added.

Aside from making Rastaman happy, Donnalyn said she also wants the public to be encouraged to vote in the 2022 polls.

“Ginawa ko rin ‘tong vlog na ‘to para maging eye opener sa mga tao na kailangan bumoto sa darating na halalan. Be a part of the change,” she concluded.

Donnalyn Bartolome makes Rastaman’s dream of campaigning for elections come true
Source: Filipino Trend Viral

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