Cardinal Advincula: Fight forces, structures that oppress poor

Manila Archbishop Jose F. Cardinal Advincula led the Holy Mass for the 5th World Day of the Poor at the Manila Cathedral on Nov. 15, 2021 (Caritas Manila/Twitter)

Cardinal Jose Advincula of Manila has called on the people to resist forces and structures that oppress and cause injustice.

In his message for the World Day of the Poor on November 14, he said that issues that plight the marginalized must be stopped.

“Let us fight any force and structure of oppression, exploitation, and the use of the poor to advance their selfish interests and welfare,” Advincula said over Radio Veritas.

On Monday, he led a dialogue at the Manila Cathedral with representatives of the different marginalized sectors in the archdiocese.

In the Mass that followed, the cardinal criticized those who used the poor for their own gain.

Advincula also took a swipe against those who only remember the poor when it is election season.

“When we just remember the poor and put them on the center stage because it’s election time or because it’s the World Day of the Poor, we are more miserable than them,” he added.

He then encouraged the faithful “to stand in solidarity with the poor to alleviate their sufferings”.

Cardinal Advincula: Fight forces, structures that oppress poor
Source: Filipino Trend Viral

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